3.2 General - Sodium Bicarbonate & Cancer

graphicDoctor Simoncini's video clearly illustrates the behavior of cancer in the human body. In live video footage of a cancer patient diagnosed with intestinal cancer, you can see you can see cancer signified by white cell Colonies. Inside the body, ,cancer cells are seen as white fungal Colonies. Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment is performed using a washing out process. In the operation, Doctor Simoncini explains after the first treatment, only one day, you can see obvious signs of regression. After four days of treatmentment with sodium bicarbonate, white tumors disappear.

Sodium Bicarbonate Eliminated Cancer Cells (Microscopic Surgery Camera)

Usually from the third to fourth treatment cancerous tumors will regress.

The cancer cells are always only indicated by white colonies. “The madness of the cell” is a total invention that has lead to no conclusive results. For more than 100 years and 8,500,000 cancer related deaths cancer is still surrounded with great mysteries.


The only other effective treatment known to man for cancer is chemotherapy or radiation treatment. 75% of doctors will not recommend this treatment becasue of potential harmful effects to human health. The side effects of chemotherapy are often compared to death itself. The fact is, the majority of chemotherapy patients have died from chemotherapy. As a result of that statistic more and more physicians are turning to the treatment of sodium bicarbonate for cancer.

Benefits of Intravenous Sodium Bicarbonate

Taking intravenous sodium bicarbonate (Oral Route) requires a decision from the doctor and yourself. There are pros and cons associated with taking Sodium Bicarbonate Intravenously. Like any medicine choices you must weigh out the positive and negative side effects. Most importantly you want to look at any current conditions you have. Specifically, look at:

  • Are you pregnant?
  • What is your age, less than 6 years old is not recommended and is not conclusively tested in older folks
  • Allergic conditions
  • Are you taking current medication?
  • Nursing Women (Breast feeding)

Chemical Formula for Sodium Bicarbonate

Nahcolite is a man made mineral or produced naturally. You may live in an area where it rains a lot; the natural water will have very little mineral content. This means the water will contain low levels of Sodium Bicarbonate. When Nahcolite is mined, basins are used combined with many procedures & techniques. The products that are on the market include bakery products such as cooking soda, baking soda or bread soda. Natural sodium carbonate decahydrate was originally founded in Egyptian lake bottoms and mined as an ingredient in mummifying. It has three understood types of hydrates:

  • Natron (sodium carbonate decahydrate
  • Unknown mineral form (sodium carbonate heptahydrate)
  • Mineral thermonatrite (sodium carbonate monohydrate)

The Chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is NaHCO3.

Does Sodium Bicarbonate Treat Hyperkalemia?

Yes it does. It is used as a buffer for blood during several steps of treatment required. The required ingredients you will need are; Education, attentiveness, Laboratory, Albuterol, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate, doctor, Calcium, Insulin and Diuretics. When acute treatment is required one of the treatments is Sodium bicarbonate which is administered to reverse hyperkalemia caused by acidosis. The aggression of treatment is determined by the condition of the patient.

Baking soda, is promoted by some as an alternative to cancer.