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3.5 How it Prevents Cancer & Flu Alkalinity
Baking Soda (the clean kind from the Health Food store that doesn't contain Alum) is cyanide to cancer cells!
graphicYour Health
And standard Western medicine has mostly run out of antibiotics to treat these potentially deadly health woes. [1]
Has the property to penetrate pus and by mixing with it, the pus liquefies which causes it to slough off, leaving a healthy surface. Asthma, coughs, throat infections, stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic circulation. [2]

Those who developed contrast-induced kidney injuries had twice as many long-term negative health effects as compared with patients who did not suffer kidney damage. No doubt much of this harm can be avoided if sodium bicarbonate is used appropriately. [3]




Reduced Acidity
When the body is hit with reductions in bicarbonate output by these two organs, Likewise when acid buildup outstrips these organs normal bicarbonate capacity cellular deterioration begins. [34]
For instance, muscle contractibility reduces and hormones like adrenaline and aldosterone increased as the body becomes more acidic. [35]
The stomach is acid and doesn’t like to be neutralized as reduced stomach acidity promotes growth of H. Pylori which in turn causes ulcers. [36]
graphicCarbonate to Reduce Alkalinity
Use sodium bisulfate to lower total alkalinity and pH levels or sodium bicarbonate to increase the levels. [51]
The authors found that CIN occurred in 109 of the 1327 patients treated with sodium bicarbonate and in 175 of the 1306 patients who received normal saline. The number needed to prevent one case of CIN was 16. [52]
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