How Psychic Minds Work
A psychic will help uncover the curiosities you have about your past, present, or future. Besides time line they can also attempt to look into your life; love affairs, ailments, relationships, stressful factors, general successes or failures in your life. Good psychic minds are not easy to find, especially with the abundance of snake oil psychics. One of the primary finding methods is your gut feel. Your first impression relies on the best built-in judgment system we have. Let your intuition guide you through the light.
Costs and Types
The price start at $1 per minute to $10-$15 per minute, it really depends of the level of knowledge and expertise you choose. If you check with others that have had experience with psychic minds it’s a great place to start. You can also ask questions at knowledgeable social communities like yahoo answers.
A Psychic Minds Way of Thinking
Tapping into your psychic powers is one of the most insightful and awakening self-empowerment accomplishments we can do. Try looking into how psychic minds work and notice, psychics that excel with this gifted ability contain a degree of extra sensory perception (ESP). When you become proficient in psychic readings you can also read tarot cards, learn the meaning of astrology, do palm readings and even work in military/ policing anti-terrorism roles. One of the easiest forms of psychic abilities to learn is card readings. Although it is straight forward to learn not all readings are accurate reading tarots. There is a degree of skill required to become a good, intuitive card reader.
Why Online Reading?
If you try a psychic chat online you may be surprised to learn the results are very accurate. The reason this psychic medium is so successful is the psychic does not have an opportunity to observe other possible cues such as appearance, demeanor, and body language. Good psychics are trained to utilize as many psychic abilities as possible when meeting a seeker.
Psychic Minds in History
The word psychic comes from a Greek word “psyche” or “psychikos”. They have also been associated with fortunetellers through history. Today, one of the most renowned psychics in identifying historical artifacts and figures is Craig Hamilton-Parker. He has been known for his psychic ability to identify people in history by studying items such as an old Victorian violin. In history there have been many well known psychics such as Fox Sisters, Nostradamus, Mdme Blavatsky, JZ Knight, Shirley MacLaine, Uri Geller, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon and Arthur Ford. Nostradamus has made many vague predictions for the future that some interpret as frighteningly accurate. One of the most notable statements in modern day was his accurate psychic readings on the terrorist attacks of September 2001.
In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror…
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city…
In the city of York there will be a great collapse,
two twin brothers torn apart by chaos
while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb
third big war will begin when the big city is burning
Nostradamus- (1503-1566)
Although his wording is abstract and broad it is easy to fit the words in place today. It gives absolute credence to the theories of psychometry.
The Different Styles of Intuitive Readings and Readers
Brutes (Physical)
It is said that they can influence moving articles, ignite fires, heal, and cause lightening to strike.
Ghosts (Phantasmal)
These psychics have ESP and telepathic abilities. They have a good read on human emotions, seeing inside of your mind, digging out memories, control of your mind, seeing through other eyes, creating invisibility or even walking through solid objects such as walls.
The Clairvoyant
If you are a clairvoyant you possess ESP and can read other people’s minds. It is one form of psychic power that is largely disputed as to its effectiveness and authenticity. The word Clairvoyance is a French word that translates to “clear seeing” in English and was coined in the 1700’s.
Paranormal and Remote Viewing
Paranormal psychic precognition means you can see into the future. There are psychic minds that the US government called upon post September 2001 to help locate Osama Bin laden and Al Qaeda terrorists known as remote viewers. From 1977-1988 an elite group of US soldiers were allegedly trained in remote viewing. There were only 3 of them- 2 females that read tarots and one professional military male remote viewer. The 2 females actually continued their intimate readings until 1987. In remote viewing psychic minds can also join and becomes one. There were 3 separate parts to military remote viewing;
1) Has been classified but is described as operational
2) Analyzing the impact of remote viewing on those being trained. Fine details remain classified
3) Research and development. Details are not classified and can be found here
Learn more on trained military remote viewing
A psychic will use their intuitive sense in order to decide the most likely outcome based on their observations, view and opinion of the psychic minds inner thoughts. A Face to face reading is becoming less and less popular as more come to believe that the extra visual clues may in fact cloud the issue of an accurate reading. More and more are turning to online distant psychic readings for a higher degree of accuracy. Whether you look to tarots for spiritual, individual, subconscious, occult, and divine purposes or a Clairvoyant to get in your mind do not let readings determine your fate.
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