Interpretations of a Windy Dream
If you are thinking about the dream you have last night, its true meaning has probably crossed your mind. What if you can uncover key information buy interpreting these sub conscious secrets? Are you sure it was nothing but a pipe dream? Today you can make it reality by revealing your inner self. If you experienced wind in your dream this report will provide you with some insights into what possible meanings exist.
8 Ways To Interpret a Wind Dream
- AEOLIAN HARP. To dream of the sound of wind blowing through strings on an instrument or through wires indicates deep emotional attachment. These may be dreamed of either as examples of industry or as pest.
- BONFIRE. A large bonfire is indicative of your triumph over difficulties, unless a wind scatters sparks from it, in which case it predicts annoyances.
- Dandelion. To dream of yellow dandelions dotting the lawn in the springtime is a good sign for those in love. If the blossoms have gone to seed and the fluff blows in the wind, beware of trouble in store for you. If you wear a dandelion in your buttonhole, you will be laughed eat and humiliated
- HAVOC. For whatever cause—wind, rain, fire or other disaster—a dream of the havoc that has been wrought bespeaks a new opportunity for you before long.
- LACQUER. Using lacquer in a dream to cover furniture or a floor predicts a ‘whirlwind love affair with a foreigner.
- MARRIAGE. A dream of being happily married and proud of your mate portends a quarrel with a lover. If a woman dreams of being a bridesmaid at the wedding of a friend, it is a sign that she will have a whirlwind courtship and marriage within a year. A divorce is indicated if a marriage ceremony is accompanied by many tears from those assembled.
- PLAID. Wearing plaid materials in a dream means that an old and trusted friend will visit you and make you much happier than you have recently been. To see a Scotch highlander in a plaid kilt is a sign of a whirlwind love affair.
- WIND. To hear the wind howling in a dream is a portent of woe. If at the same time you feel it in your face, it indicates that you will be required to do work that you despise.
All the above are creative ways to interpret a windy dream. If you can apply one of these to your meaningful dream you may see a marked improvement in your life because you were able to understand the meaning. Best of all, when you are informed in the way dream analysis works, you more accurately choose how to handle your own situation with a dream of wind.
Dreaming of Wind may represent your chi or life force; may represent troubles or turmoil.
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i dreamed about being happily married to a women who already had a son. The women i had been married to in the dream was someone i know very well. I was too happy in the dream. Could please interpret the meaning of this dream?