“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.”
Ezekiel 25:17
The next time you leave your home look around with new eyes, “Am I really witnessing a deadly threat to humanity?”
- The cemeteries and crematoriums are not any more populated than usual, why?
- In the midst of a pandemic why are all undertakers saying business is the same or less than usual?
- Why is a DNA altering vaccine needed for a disease that has a 99.9% recovery rate?
- If there is no difference between the flu and the Beer Bug, how are they determining the difference and why has the flu almost disappeared from vital statistic data reports?
- Are police standing on their oath of office when enforcing unproven, inhumane policies?
- If vaccines are so safe why have manufacturers battled in the courts for total immunity before attempting to vaccinate the population of Earth?
- A mask is classified as a medical device that alters the body’s functionality due to reduced oxygen intake, how can non-medical individuals administer its usage?
- Why are there so many restrictions on being with your loved ones when they are in last days care homes?
- If the Beer Bug has a 99.9% recovery rate and the vaccine is “90% effective” why would anyone take it?
- If governments are service corporations like McDonald’s, can other service corporations also institute medical intervention on men & women? Taco Bell says “Sorry sir you need a prostate exam certificate before you can enter”
- Do you have first handed information of anyone who has died from this virus?
- If sneezes and coughs can travel up to 30 ft what’s the logic in 6 ft apart?
- Why do we not hear the constant ringing of emergency vehicles throughout the day and night?
- What sense does it make to stay inside, out of the sun, away from others and places of worship?
- If the virus does not effect children why were/are the schools closed and now completely abusing children?
- If the pandemic really began in 2019 why were PCR test kits globally distributed in 2018?
- Why is there no scientific evidence to support masking, quarantining and social distancing ?
- What makes some people believe they can force others to cower and comply with medical tyranny?
- What are you thinking when rubbing poisonous hand sanitizers on your hands dozens of times each day?
- Why are people still testing positive after long term mask use?
- If the vaccination is effective why can you still transmit and receive it after the jab?
- Why are higher than acceptable CTs being used in the administration of PCR tests?
- How does a virus know to get you at the entrance and exit of a restaurant but not when you’re eating?
- Once vaccinated why continue social distancing and masking?
- Why is the over-all death rate in the world the same as usual over the last 5 years?
- If masks are effective why do we not wear them every year to protect against influenzas?
- Why are door handles being removed from Canadian elderly care home rooms (Verve Senior Living- Feb. 13, 2021)?
- Why are positive PCR results being labeled as “cases” when they should be “positives” given this test can yield 90% false positives when high CTs [cycle thresholds] are used?
- Do you think ordering school children to wear masks, kneel on the floor, remain 6 ft apart and not look into each other’s eyes is appropriate?
- If masking and social distancing works why are box stores open and small business forcibly closed?
- Why do we not witness people keeling over and dying in the streets?
- Why have almost ALL influenza fatalities disappeared from records?
- If the first lockdown was successful why was there a second lockdown?
- If the lockdowns were not successful why are we repeating it?
- Why is government only listening to their own selected panel of experts and ignoring (censoring) the vast majority of health experts?
- Why does the media present hospitals as “war zones” when the truth is they are (and have been) almost empty since March 2020?
- Why are so many nurses out of work?
- If discarded and used masks are so toxic why do we see them littering the world?
- In a world-wide pandemic the guidelines vary widely from country to country, why if it’s truly global?
- “The PCR tests are unreliable and should not be used” has been stated by WHO, why is this not reported in the mainstream media?
- Do you remember when we were asked to lockdown for 2 weeks in March 2020?
- When you observe any form of mainstream news why is there no descent (opposing views)?
- If the virus is in your saliva, which is why masks are mandated, why does the test involve a long swab (containing particles) lodged into the brain?
- If this is a real deadly threat to humanity why was it rehearsed long before in Event 201?
- If the vaccine is so safe why are so many recipients experiencing adverse effects including death? Isn’t one death, one too many? (See the Vaers website which is less than 1% of reported injuries Grant final report ID: HS 017045)
- How many bodies did you have to step over to get to work today?
- Why is the flu disappeared from vital statistics databases?
- Is washing your hands reducing the invisible enemy?
- The commonly accepted medical standard “Koch’s Postulates” [not Rivers 1937] has not been performed for C090N4…why?
- Are we truly witnessing an emergency which is the basis for “emergency acts” that governments use to grossly abuse human rights? Where’s the evidence?
- What’s the difference between “died from” v.s. “died with”?
- How do viruses know that more than 10 people in a room is unsafe?
- Why are governments paying media companies billions of taxpayer dollars to instill fear only, instead of positive health advice?
- Why are vaccinations the only solution to a virus that has not been proven to exist?
There you have it, just a few questions that came to mind. Feel free to comment or share this information with friends, enemies, family and loved ones. There’s something for everyone in these questions.
Much Love!
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