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Most of the world seems to be very obedient; wearing masks in public for no reason, keeping 6 feet apart from other humans and willfully locking down. If you’re part of the compliant majority this information may not help you but if there’s a time to take off your mask and put your game face on it’s now! My friends, family and fellow brethren around the world this is our time to create, through our powers of manifestation, the world we want. It really is that simple!
To begin with we’ll need to address any issue in our lives that attempt to directly demoralize or dehumanize us. Personally, healthy individuals wearing coverings to hide their beautiful faces for any reason outside of their own common judgement is at the top of the list. Is masking healthy people demoralizing? Absolutely, when you consider you’re putting a corporate vale (mask) between you and spirit. What is the first function your body performs when it enters this world that proves you’re alive? Breathe baby!! Without any medical evidence we are being asked to muzzle ourselves, deprive the body of oxygen and regurgitate our own C02. Social distancing has a similar influence on the human psyche removing our inherent nature to mingle, touch and interact with our own kind. Is this psychological warfare?
Humans are not animals we are divine sparks each with our own strength, power, love and light. Good men & women can no longer sit back and do nothing, it’s time to realize who we are and stand with our god given power!
The following section is for entertainment purposes only. It is not legal advice but at some point you’re going to realize standing up to tyranny is your duty. Below are some tried and tested truths that will arm you with enough knowledge to walk into any retail establishment with a smiling naked face. Be confident, be respectful, hold your ground and don’t cave.
Step 1- Who are you?
No worries, just a brief moment in time for you to engage in self-reflection. Read the headlines & applicable feedback carefully to decide where you stand.
I wear a mask for the protection of myself and others from a deadly virus that is going to wipe out humanity. I am so grateful for the news and government keeping us well informed.
You are encouraged to develop a sound connection with your higher self then ask the following questions:
- Do you know anyone that has died from (not with) this virus that was not already sick?
- Have you personally witnessed any evidence of a pandemic other than what is media generated?
- Are you aware of the growing number of medical professionals speaking out?
- Is it your conclusion an invisible enemy is going to get us all?
- Do you recall Sars, Ebola, Y2K, hole in the ozone, killer bees, climate change, Anthrax, etc? What happened to you?
- Is that vaccination really going to help solve this invisible enemy hiding everywhere?
I wear a mask to avoid confrontation but hate it and don’t believe the story we’re being told.
That’s better, it likely represents the silent majority. The only part of your persona that is preventing you from standing in right action is courage. Our conditioning through life is to obey so the initial step to take is telling yourself it’s OK to remove this conditioning in the face of spiritual warfare or an attack on your core principles. Even the creator could not tell his Lions to start behaving like dogs. It’s time to remove that muzzle once and for all! Wearing a mask is more commonly associated with rituals, not health prevention.
To begin with, move along to step 2 where you’ll gain a better understanding of who you really are, the power you hold and how to use it. In a fun way you can re-invent yourself by developing strong core principles that cannot be violated under any circumstances. Hint: They’re already there, you just need to activate them.
I’m perfectly healthy and never wear a mask unless I decide to under my own free will. This whole episode in life is completely contrived and nothing beyond live, fictional theater. I do not belong to a cult and do not unwillingly participate in rituals.
Congratulations, that’s the correct answer. Maybe you work in an auto-body repair shop or are exposed to potential toxins within your area of expertise that would warrant wearing a mask? It’s uncomfortable but YOU made the decision to preserve your health.
How are you fairing when shopping at Wal-Mart, Costco, Home Depot, etc.? It’s getting to the point where you need to have a sound script to enter maskless. Hopefully you’ll find something helpful in step 2 to aid in your continued nobility. Thanks for being!
Step 2- Understanding Retailers and Medical Intervention
Is mask enforcement a violation of public policy?
Yes it is especially when considering the so-called virus has never been purified or isolated. Many medical professionals are coming forward now with the message “the remedy is worst than the cause”. The number of deaths and health related issues attributed to house arrest, social distancing and masking are skyrocketing.
Public Policy A principle that no person or government official can legally perform an act that tends to injure the public. Public policy manifests the common sense and common conscience of the citizens as a whole that extends throughout the state and is applied to matters of public health, safety, and welfare.
Is it legal for a private business to deny entry because you refuse to wear a mask?
No it is not legal. A private business that is open to the public is bound by laws of their license with the state. The public is invited via open invitation, a licensed business (by law) is public accommodation. A private business without a medical license does not have the legal duty to supply medical remedies (mask is a medical device). Duty of care only applies to hazards or safety precautions within their establishment.
According to premises liability law, retailers have no “duty of care” when a risk is widely known to everyone in the community. Therefore, a private business has no legal duty to protect anyone from the risk. Claiming the opposite is just ignorant. -John J Singleton
Step 3- How to Respond to Mask Enforcers
If you strongly object to wearing a face covering the preceding story-line has been composed to help you respond by appropriately expressing your will to any face mask enforcer. Be polite and control the tempo of the conversation, without escalation you’ll discover how easy it is.
As you enter a retailer an employee asks “Would you like a mask?” or “You have to wear a mask”. You reply “No thanks, I cannot wear a mask”. [confident, friendly smile, keep walking, respectful]. Depending on the store policy and staff training a) It’s time to shop without further harassment b) employee continues harassing you. Understand at this point the employee wants to keep their job so they follow orders. Here are a few things to ponder now that can dovetail into your interactions depending on the direction of conversation.
You Say: I have a face covering exemption. Enforcer asks: Is it physician’s approved?
I am exercising my rights which do not require a physician’s approval. Do you understand under the privacy act you cannot require proof of exemption? Do you have a physician’s approval to issue medical intervention? A mask is referred to as a “medical device”.
Store Says: If you don’t wear a mask you’re breaking the law.
Please show me the law.
Q. Am I a direct threat without a mask on? A. Yes.
Do you have a court order that establishes non-masked patrons are a direct threat? If any authority claims you are a direct threat, evidence in the court of law is required.
You Ask: Are you a business licensed in [State/Province]? Employee Replies: Yes
Then you are you not bound by the laws of [State/Province] to provide public accommodation without discrimination?
You Ask: Who’s Authority are you acting under? Employee Replies: CDC, WHO, Municipality, Health Unit, etc.
These laws can only apply to their own employees. I do not work for them nor do they have jurisdiction over my body.
Listen to your inner voice and what doctors are saying outside of government funded mainstream media.
To further enhance your awareness hear what some medical professionals are telling you. The testing method being used can yield a potential 9 out 10 false positive. Amplification of the PCR test is useless beyond 35 cycles according to Anthony Fauci. Yet in Canada provinces are testing between 40-45 cycles to produce ‘cases’. Medical professionals from Belgium, UK, USA, Sweden, Pakistan and more have some stern warnings for those so frantic to get that vaccination fix.
Employee says: Do you know how many people have died in this pandemic?
Can you explain why the total mortality rate over the last three years is actually greater than 2020? Why has the flu influenza almost non-existent in 2020? Do you know how many people die from Cancer and Tuberculous every year?
Hey, thanks for the info. Wearing a mask is definitely ritual based. I mean, in the beginning we were tryna flatten the curve. Who knows what they’re trying to do now, it’s ludicrous.