Our Moon is a Liar
I know it sounds out there, that’s because it is…literally. We can see the moon through our eyes but that’s about it, which forms our love affair with the mysterious rock in space we have come to know as the Moon. What if I told you you’re in love with an impostor?
The Moon is a Sphere Like Globe Earth—NOT
Have you ever seen the Moon in a day sky? Look closely and ask yourself why you can see thorough parts of the moon as if it’s semi-translucent? With human eyes you can see blue sky through it, especially if it’s not full. With a 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4 moon the edge is feathered where you can see through it. Also amateur astronomers report seeing stars through the moon.
Moon Landing Tapes got Erased, NASA admits
NASA has erased or lost all footage of ‘A giant step for mankind’ or our first steps on the moon. That’s OK, NASA claims, the digital remake is way better! Does this make at least an eyebrow raise? Why would NASA lie about going to the moon and why have there been no serious attempts for 50 years?
NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the July 20, 1969, landing. Source
Why does NASA really have a Neutral Buoyancy Lab?
It looks like a giant swimming pool. NASA claims it is primarily used for training astro-nots. The astro-nots wear specialized suits under water in simulations repairing space stations. There are mock-up space stations in underwater simulations that are 1 to 1 scale model. In other words they are exact replicas of the same space machines used to allegedly travel in outer space.
Sea Plankton and Drowning Astro-nots in Outer Space?
Russian Cosmonauts have reported sea plankton on their space station. They claim it was blown into the sky from the oceans? Does that sound a little bit strange to you?
Why are some astronauts reporting they are drowning in their spacesuits? Maybe because they are actually under water in their “Hollywood Basement”
Lunar Wave Looks like Water in Front of The Moon
A well-known YouTuber, Crrow777 was lucky to record a phenomenon he has coined ‘The Lunar Wave’. It shows waves of water slowly drifting across the Moon’s surface. Since his original 2012 recording several others have captured the same phenomenon.
That’s a fair bit of Moon strangeness don’t you think?
- NASA fakes moon landings
- The Moon does not appear to be a round ball as accepted theories claim
- Strange looking waves span across the image we see of the Moon
- Space agencies report astro-nots are near drowning or getting covered in Ocean Plankton
Something just isn’t right with our perception of the Moon. It’s this odd relationship we have that creates curiosity, questions, doubt and wonder about the supposed round rock in the sky. Our poor Moon appears like it’s been in a war zone with asteroids by all those craters and rough looking terrain, but it has never changed in appearance. There is no real footage or evidence that shows The Moon actually is impacted by objects of any sort. Think about it between astronomers, scientists, The Vatican, space agencies and amateur astronomers someone is always watching the Moon…nobody has ever witnessed space objects hitting it.
What is this impostor?
Wow, just wow. Research before you post. What color does space look like during the day? Blue because of sun light bent through air molecules. What color is the shadows of the moon? Black or lighter tints. What does black not do? Reflect light. What is between our eyes and the shadows of the moon? The blue atmosphere.
During the day the sky appears blue, we observe there is sunlight (hot); but why is the sky blue? For your consideration…
Thus God made the expanse, and divided the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse (Genesis 1:7).
You might find this page relevant http://www.virtuowl.com/what-if/why-is-the-sky-blue/
The moon is alive, I hear it talk to me at night about pink flamingos. purple grass grows where the rain don’t snow. watch out for chemtrails.
It’s hard do explain but I have always felt like the moon is a spy. When I am standing in front of the moon it feels like it’s staring at me.
I am glad you included Crrow777 in your post, it adds significant weight to the message. Nice post!! -Jake