Limit your inputs to only those that support a certain kind of self-destructive behavior, and you can be cheered with enthusiasm as you drive yourself off a cliff.
Adam-Troy Castro
It’s a part of a bad dream I once had, you know the kind that scare you to bones as you awaken in a cold sweat afraid to make a move. You ask yourself as the vivid memory of this nightmare replays in your conscious state while sweat engulfs your entire body from this traumatic dream; Is this real or not? In this vivid dream a school bus full of all my friends, family and loved ones drives away for a fun day at the park. You stand pleading with them not to go because they are heading straight for a cliff. For some reason they are all laughing and enjoying life, completely oblivious of what is in front of them. Why can’t they see the cliff? It didn’t make sense at the time but now the meaning is revealed.
As we observe reality today a small minority see the world through a different lens. This lens is highly specialized for only those with eyes to see the cliff. You’ll encounter this small minority when shopping, hiking, driving, socializing…pretty well anywhere in your life you’ll run into them. They immediately make you feel uneasy by their odd behaviors that are unlike yours. “What freak-shows!” you whisper silently when in their presence “they’re not wearing masks, smiling in public and holding hands; it’s sickening”. As the internal rage begins to bubble you think about confronting them to remind them what version of human they should be focusing on.
Although this article will explore the effects of masks on the human face primarily, the correlation between the level of obedience and wearing a mask is relevant to the acceptance of social distancing, vaccinations, contact tracing or whatever else is thrown our way. Are you a good little obedient human? Where do you draw the line, or do you just keep going along? How do humans determine what’s acceptable or normal? That is the underlying question, when answered speaks directly to the future we will manifest for our children and future generations. Contrary to what most believe we (collective consciousness) are at the helm of the ship, ultimately our permission or consent is required. Another way to think about it is if slaves didn’t exist, who would do the work for the overlords or parasites? Who creates gods and would they exist if we didn’t? Deeply exploring these questions takes us through a maze of emotions along with intense light-bulb moments. Ultimately it becomes apparent that collective consciousness is boss, which is insightful when exploring how divided humanity is due to education, religion, borders, governments, etc. It’s all by design to keep the collective fragmented, impairing our own ability to navigate our ship as one.
Your Body’s Response to Masking
Undoubtedly the first question that pops into your mind is “Do I have to wear a mask?” The answer is no you do not, but our beloved friends at CBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, etc will fire everything in their arsenal to make you perceive it’s a requirement or mandate. Remember they are all government funded. With this in mind let’s first explore the impact wearing a face covering has on your body:
- Oxygen Deprivation due to restricted intake capability
- Over-exposure to C02 [hypercapnia] which causes dizziness, light headedness, headaches even fainting on hot days
- Increased Use of Pain Medication for headaches
- Feeling of Identity Loss from covering your face when you’re around others
- Distant from spirit through the reduction of breath
- Communication challenges when detailed or emotional dialogue is presented
- Removal of Heart Frequency we all share through smiles, small-talk, interactions
- Irritating saliva build up after engaging in any activity that requires added human energy
- Toxic waste when you have to dispose of billions of masks every day
What the Data Says up to October 2020?
France Masking Results
Special thanks to and for the charts.
Based on the above experiences over the span of a couple weeks a decision was made to not wear a mask. If it is ever presented as a requirement the guilty party is politely reminded that anything which causes harm to your health is not safe.
Healthy men and women should not be wearing masks, arguably nobody is benefiting from masks. The biological waste cannot be overlooked when the question “Are masks really necessary?” is asked. The human psyche is assaulted through a muzzling effect which leads to social withdrawal and communication difficulties with our own kind.
We are all connected in this realm. Should we fall prey to an overarching agenda carefully crafted to disconnect humans from each other? Why do you really think social distancing, masking and quarantines are being recommended to the populous of the world?
If you’re doubting what you see, it’s OK provided your eyes are open to what’s at the core of it all. The answer is “safety”, the language of corporate collectivism which translates to “control”. Just understand that point alone and the rest will make more sense; with the knowledge that ALL media is being used against us, especially mainstream. Yes, our tax dollars at work.
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