As we journey into 2021 we may find the innate need to seek the answers of deeply seeded questions. Some of these questions may not even have manifest of descriptive words we have come to know as language. They linger within you with the realization that not is all what it seems to be.
Very few will deny music has an emotional connection with our souls, almost like its creators have a key to enter. What is it that makes music so special? In an attempt to answer this question let’s explore a song as if it was a story.
The role you are being asked to play is “I just got here” in this world called Earth with a mission of understanding life as an Earthling. Your first experience is with a man you meet who is making sounds from his body through his mouth and telling a story. It’s captivating, invigorating, rejuvenating and fulfilling as he speaks the following words in harmony with an instrument, his rhythmic story begins…
I’ve been alive forever and I wrote the very first song. I put the words and the melodies together; I am music and I write the songs.
I write the songs that make the whole world sing. I write the songs of love and special things. I write the songs that make the young girls cry. I write the songs, I write the songs.
My home lies deep within you and I’ve got my own place in your soul. Now when I look out through your eyes I’m young again, even though I’m very old.
I write the songs that make the whole world sing. I write the songs of love and special things. I write the songs that make the young girls cry. I write the songs, I write the songs.
Oh, my music makes you dance and gives your spirit to take a chance. And I wrote some rock ‘n’ roll so you can move. Music fills your heart, well, that’s a real fine place to start.
It’s from me, it’s for you. It’s from you, it’s from me. It’s a worldwide symphony.
“I’m so happy to meet you Music my name is Henry, I just got here and was hoping to learn more about this special place called Earth. Since you’ve been here forever it cannot be a coincidence that we meet here today. In this quest of understanding, perhaps you could help me learn more about the songs you write for the world to sing?” The man replies, “Songs are manifest of the collective, I write songs on behalf of the collective and I’ve been doing it forever.” Followed by a sigh of slight fatigue, he continues to softly pluck the keys of this beautiful apparatus known as a piano.
After a few seconds of majestic sounds reverberating from the piano, “Is this the only song you know?” I ask with an undertone of curiosity. Now a subtle smirk emerges as he responds with a brief sampling of different sounding songs, each with it’s own symbolic delivery into depths of the soul. What about time? A voice inside says. It was understood that earthlings are bound by time but Music has been here forever; he understands love, special things and how to make young girls cry. Not only does he understand but he specifically writes songs aimed at triggering emotions from Earthlings. What’s in it for him and why does he invest all his time into songs? Is he an Earthling?
Expressing your awareness of possibly crossing a line you ask, “This may seem like a strange question but why do you write songs that evoke an emotional response from others?” He chuckles while his facial expression appears to have empathy for the cautious approach, “Songs come from the essence of all on Earth, I been writing songs for Earthlings since the beginning of time. Every song is an echo or mirror of their own consciousness that we use to try and control them but that does not always happen as planned. I work closely with another man you might encounter while on Earth, Hollywood. Together we enjoy brainwashing Earthlings. These Earthlings are not always predictable and adapt very well to the unplanned. Getting their emotional responses to create energy is why I write the songs and Hollywood makes movies. On top of that we get paid billions and billions to plant seeds in souls. Our intentions appear wholesome and good on the surface but that is just part of the big picture. True intentions are to communicate directly with Earthlings at a deep level so we can own their souls.”
Music has a friend he calls Hollywood. Together they help shape your perspective by possessing your soul...It’s a worldwide symphony.
After digesting these words a feeling of confusion begins to simmer. How can a song that Music makes feel so wonderful but have such disingenuous intentions? Maybe this old buzzard can shed some light on the situation! “You say there’s a place in my soul you call home which gives you vision through my eyes. This vision invigorates you with a feeling of youth.” He pauses the random piano riffs for a few seconds to ponder the question. “Age is of no meaning to me my dear Henry. The shape of my presence is always the old man when communicating with Earthlings but the origins of my songs are extracted from akashic records. I live in the ether as an energy based being where time does not exist. Think of me as a curator of the deepest Earthly thoughts that become the seeds for my songs. My biggest fear is when Earthlings find their own song, it would surely be the end of us.
Amazing article, Henry! Thank you. As a music lover, it seems I’ve been delving in the akashic records just to spread energy-feed of emotional clap-trap “the songs” produce. I used to really get into the blues recordings until I realized it was just a way to feel sorry for myself. I learned not to wallow in those feelings, but to keep my distance. Uplifting songs spread good energy the planet needs. But as you said, we can create it ourselves without being manipulated.
Funny that I have always disliked (I know, feeds duality) Barry Manilow, then when Helen Ready did this song, it was really disgusting.