Hopefully the demands scientists, doctors and a growing percentage of the population are making a difference. It will ultimately be decided by the people, but they must be informed otherwise no vaccination can be lawfully administered.
Thank You Kevin Corbett
I’m Dr. Kevin Corbett, a retired registered nurse and health scientist in the United Kingdom.
The Covid vaccines are not proven safe or effective. Covid is not a real medical epidemic. The vaccines use synthetic products that will alter your genes, allow monitoring of your vaccination status, and produce dangerous chemical reactions. Scientists are therefore demanding that all covered vaccinations be immediately stopped.
The real epidemic is fear and hysteria. It started in China and quickly spread via the World Health Organization. The hysteria was accelerated by corporations who gain financially through selling fast-tracked, flawed medical tests, toxic antiviral drugs and now unproven and potentially dangerous vaccines. Standard precautions, which normally protect the public have been disregarded due to ignorance, hysteria and prospects. For example, the vaccines have not undergone proper Phase three tests.
The Covid test, the PCR is fatally flawed. It was never examined in a standard way by the United Kingdom National Health Service, and it should never have been used on sick people or those with no symptoms. You can read about the flaws in the PCR test at www.cormandrostenreview.com.
The real epidemic is fear and hysteria.
Dear Kevin
I am thinking this paper is to be in some way defence against the court cases against Drosden in Germany, the one Reiner Fuilmich is bringing stating that he invented asymptomatic Covid19 to fuel the actions and needs for testing during the ‘pandemic’. Hope you have seen it. If not here is the url https://www.genengnews.com/news/large-study-of-sars-cov-2-viral-loads-yields-insights-into-infectiousness/.
What do you think about it?